On Saturday, November 12, 2011 8:30 PM, "Matej Kovacic"
<matej.kova...@owca.info> wrote:

> "Gangsters killed and beheaded an Internet blogger Wednesday in
> Nuevo Laredo, the fourth slaying in the city involving people
> associated with social media sites since early September. .. The
> victim, identified on social networking sites only by his nickname -
> Rascatripas or Belly Scratcher - reportedly helped moderate a site
> called En Vivo that posted news of shootouts and other activities of
> the Zetas, the narcotics and extortion gang that all but controls
> the city."

Possibly not. The man they killed might actually have no relation to the
note they left on him.


> The site mentioned (http://www.nuevolaredoenvivo.es.tl/) is promoting
> Tor use. It seems the victim used Tor, but the gangsters were able to
> identify and kill him anyway...

If you're a ruthless ex-military organized crime outfit that has decided
to wage a war of intimidation on the populace, you don't need to let
silly things like "evidence" or "the truth" stop you from killing random
people to leave corpses with notes on them around town.

To be on the safe side, someone who speaks Spanish should create a fake
email account and make sure these people know about Tor Bridges. If the
Zetas are as reckless as they seem, it might not be too long before any
Tor user who directly accesses the Tor network from the area is in
danger, regardless of what they use Tor for.

But of course, the Zetas could also just continue killing complete
randoms, too... Certainly requires less effort on their end.

P.S. It continues to sadden and amaze me that the moral crusade against
drugs can be allowed to claim so much life before people admit to
themselves it is a fake war not worth fighting. As has been
demonstrated time and time again, artificial supply reduction just
creates violence, corruption, and even terrorism. How many times do
we humans have to learn this fact? How many of ourselves must we
sacrifice on the alter of Moral Temperance? If there is a god, it
is certainly no more amused by the activity of either side than by
sun sacrifices or witch burnings..

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