On 12/19/2011 11:30 PM, Jacob Appelbaum wrote:
On 12/19/2011 08:59 PM, Andrew Lewman wrote:

https://www.torproject.org/docs/faq.html.en#Backdoor. If we're forced
to put one in someday, we'll make it obvious and loud that it is so.
The world will be in a sad state if this comes true. A forced backdoor
in Tor will be the least of your problems.
I applaud this concept. I'm sure that would be the intent of those working w/ Tor Project. Unfortunately, the state of affairs in world gov'ts security "laws" is such that many gov'ts simply have to claim that something is "vital to national security," & it immediately becomes very secretive. We are already there, Andrew. Don't need "no stinking warrant" or a reason. Yes, someone could blow the whistle on a forced backdoor, or anything else - BUT they likely could face prosecution, trumped up charges or plain old governmental personal sabotage. Just read news stories. For ANY organization facing pressure from a gov't, it'd come down to whether they were willing to sacrifice their freedom (or at least sanity) for themselves & family. Think this is conspiracy theory? This type of behavior of diff gov'ts world wide is well documented ALL throughout recorded history.

I'm not sure why the doubt about gov'ts forcing backdoors. It's already happened in other cases.

No Backdoors. No bugdoors. No so-called "lawful interception" systems. As another person working on Tor - I'll be more direct and less ambiguous: If anyone ever even *tries* to force us to insert a backdoor, we'd tell the world. We won't every compromise the security of Tor and we will never insert a backdoor. Never. We must reject these so-called "compromises" for so-called "lawful interception" and we must fight against their deployment everywhere. They are harmful to everyone - including those that use them legitimately - just ask the Greek phone operator who was suicided after the Great Greek Vodafone Backdoor was found.
Agreed. But, it's a LONG, uphill battle. Correct - people w/ damaging knowledge often disappear, "commit suicide" or are completely discredited by intense propaganda. Also, it's a fact that any advanced gov't is going to take every step to prevent its real or perceived enemies from being able to freely & anonymously plot & exchange information. Isn't that part of their function? Gov'ts around the world already monitor a huge amt of open internet activity & email. Most people & "dumber" state enemies have become oblivious to this fact. I can't imagine gov'ts being so stupid & negligent to just leave *anything * like Tor alone, whether anyone outside of a gov't knows about it or not.

These 2 links (nothing to do w/ Tor), could be the tip of the iceberg:
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