> Can anyone using a particular hardened browser post their panopticlick data?
> http://panopticlick.eff.org

Damn it! That's really bad...

I am thankful about this test site. It's public knowledge. As I imagine the 
leading companies may have an increased interest in tracking people who turn 
off cookies, flashcookies, and so on. It's a help to get those things fixed.

What this page demonstrates is maybe already or will be soon the state of the 

And I am very disappointed about Mozilla Firefox and Tor Browser. Mozilla does 
not seam to have put much effort into it and Tor Browser does also not appear 
very random. User Agent and HTTP_ACCEPT Headers are not very common.

Tor Browser might hide the ip but when visiting some website twice, even after 
restart TBB, they may always know it's the same person.
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