There's been research by a CU Boulder team and Yoshi Kohno to this effect.
You can google it. best, Joe

On Wednesday, April 4, 2012, Maxim Kammerer wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 4, 2012 at 18:26, Andreas Krey < <javascript:;>>
> wrote:
> > Normal people in developed countries who use tor to
> >
> >  a) provide the background noise for the users that need protection,
> >
> >  b) use it as a way around lack of WLAN security or other funny
> >     ideas of mobile interneter providers,
> I don't doubt that there are such uses, I am just wondering about the
> actual percentage breakdown of different users. As it stands, the “Tor
> users” page at is essentially propaganda aimed at
> presenting a certain image, but I would like to know how would it look
> like if sorted by users count. It's a frequent question, something
> that many people would like to know — and ultimately, the reason that
> the “Tor users” page exists. Only problem, that page is not too useful
> for answering the question. How would the top of the page look if
> sorted by actual most popular uses? Would it be:
>  * Asians and Muslim use Tor to get on Facebook
>  * Loonies use Tor to hide from The Man
>  * Stoners use Tor to buy drugs
>  * Pedophiles use Tor to share videos
> Or is that list completely wrong? Right now, it seems difficult to get
> a reliable estimate.
> --
> Maxim Kammerer
> Liberté Linux (discussion / support:
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Joseph Lorenzo Hall
Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Media, Culture and Communication
New York University
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