> On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 4:56 AM, Maxim Kammerer <m...@dee.su> wrote:
>> On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 11:37, Robert Ransom <rransom.8...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Which version of wget did you audit?  What information leaks did you
>>> check for during your audit?

How can I check what information wget is transmitting? I used wireshark
and filtered to see only the traffic sent from wget to localhost:8118 but
I'm not a network expert and I don't know how to interpret the data.

Anybody has deeper network knowledge?

>> I should have known I would get useless replies with zero informative
>> content to that summary. Wget does not resolve hostnames when it uses
>> a proxy. Many programs do (e.g., Midori does, and Pidgin did at one
>> point, if I am not mistaken), but wget doesn't. Wget is therefore safe
>> to use via Tor. Do you have any specific information saying otherwise,
>> besides the obvious “no one should ever claim that anything is 100%
>> anything, ever”? Note that I originally replied to a post by Runa
>> Sandvik which was entirely wrong and needed correction, and that you
>> are quoting a summary. What is your contribution to this thread
>> exactly?
> I'm sorry, but I think you have it backwards in terms of uselessness
> of replies on this thread.  Ransom asked you a series of cordial,
> pointed questions wondering under what configuration you determined
> wget does not leak.  The underlying point is that it would be neat if
> you've done a comprehensive analysis of a specific version of Tor,
> etc., etc.
> That would be useful to know. best, Joe
> --
> Joseph Lorenzo Hall
> Postdoctoral Research Fellow
> Media, Culture and Communication
> New York University
> https://josephhall.org/
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