> On 5/9/12 2:52 PM, Jerzy Łogiewa wrote:
>> when building webserver I want only able to connect - not the 
>> internet and not 192.168.x.x even!
>> this is for hidden service _ONLY_ and no one even on local network should be 
>> able to probe for it.
>> i know how to setup hidden service basically. how can i do this above with 
>> apache or lighttpd? if i want the same for ssh how can I do it using system?
>> restrict all connections to - and no tails please!  :-D

In addition to Ralf's advice (which is correct), you can/should
configure a firewall to prevent connections to port 80 and 443 (and
really everything except how you connect to the box which is probably
ssh) just to be double-safe.  You can use iptables for this, but if
iptables is really confusing to you, I personally use shorewall which
abstracts iptables to configuration files that make (more) sense.

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