On May 25, 2012, at 4:45 PM, Eric Seerden wrote:

> Hi Damian et al.
> I'm running Tor- on FreeBSD 9.0, all fine..
> However, I upgraded Python26 to version 2.6.8 (= up-to-date with port) & it
> breaks ARM..
> => File "/usr/share/arm/starter.py" line 18 in <module>
> import cli.controller
> => File "/usr/share/arm/cli/controller.py" line 11 in <module>
> import cli.menu.menu
> => File "/usr/share/arm/cli/menu/menu.py" line 10 in <module>
> import cli.menu.actions
> => File "/usr/share/arm/cli/menu/actions.py" line 8 in <module>
> import cli.wizzard
> => File "/usr/share/arm/cli/wizzard.py" line 9 in <module>
> import random
> => File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/random.py" line 47 in <module>
> from os import urandom as _urandom
> => ImportError: cannot import name urandom
> Would you know a way around this because I'm not familiar with Python at
> all..
> Any suggestions would be much appreciated..
> Regards,
> E.
> PS. Running ARM from the executable comes down to the same problem..

Is virtualenv involved in any way? This is mentioned as a potential
issue in the Python 2.6.8 release notes [0]. Maybe the freebsd
maintainers for arm (or for python things in general) like virtualenvs?

[0]: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2012-April/118676.html
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