On Thu, Aug 9, 2012 at 2:35 AM, Ted Smith <te...@riseup.net> wrote:
> Are we to believe that the Reddit commenter you're referencing wrote
> some mechanical-turk-esque system that allowed them to classify large
> amounts of traffic as cp/non-cp?

You don't need to classify large amounts of traffic for that — you can
sample URLs manually to get an idea of what your exit node is used

> Personally, I thought that comment was a troll/false-flag as soon as I
> saw it, and I'm not sure why you're putting so much stock in some random
> Reddit user.

I just gave that link as an example of user experience with running an
exit node and looking at the traffic. Do you have a better statistic?

Maxim Kammerer
Liberté Linux: http://dee.su/liberte
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