Hey guys,

I succeeded to build a private tor network including some hidden services in it and every 
tor-machine (ubuntu) is behind a different router (multiple networks) I have tried to 
build my tor network as real as possible in our lab environment. Now I am monitoring the 
network traffic between the nodes and I have realized that all the traffic is just TCP 
(PSH, SYN, ACK etc.). No sing of client hellos, key exchanges, encrypted handshakes. When 
I compared traffic between real and private tor networks using Wireshark, there was no 
TLS-, SSL-traffic in the private one while the debug log file says that there was a bunch 
of "tor_tls_handshakes". Is it just because nodes in the private tor network 
have configured differently (TestingTorNetwork, OrPorts and DirPorts port numbers, own 
auth dirs, etc..), old version of OpenSSL or something else? Any good explanation why the 
traffic it's just TCP?

Wippies-vallankumous on täällä! Varmista paikkasi vallankumouksen eturintamassa 
ja liity Wippiesiin heti!

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