On 08/24/2012 03:03 PM, Robert Ransom wrote:
On 8/23/12, Aaron Paden <aaronbpa...@gmail.com> wrote:
This is a simple issue, but important. The script should check to see if
Tor/Vidalia is already running and just open the browser. As it is, if I
close the browser, come back some time later, and click the Tor icon, it
results in an error because Tor is still running in the background.

This is rather hard to do reliably and safely from a shell script, but
other people have asked for this feature too.  See
https://bugs.torproject.org/6023 .

Sorry about that. I would have searched the tracker, but I didn't see it. I was thinking for a second there that you didn't have one. Sometimes I fail at using the Internet.

So I'm not an expert in shell or anything. I know there are a lot of gotchas. It seems like it should be possible, though. Is there something wrong with using pgrep or something?

>> I
>> can't open urls from other applications with the browser for the same
>> reason.
> No, this is because TBB-Firefox has to be started with the -no-remote
> option so that it won't conflict with a non-TBB Firefox.
> Robert Ransom

Oh. I got no ideas for that. :/
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