On 2/11/2013 10:04 PM, grarpamp wrote:
  * Privacy-conscious (don't parse my emails to target advertisements to
Anonymous-/encryption-type services offered by HushMail or Safe-Mail
That rules out gmail, yahoo, hotmail/live.
Few services will state they don't, and statements are no guarantee.
Privacy (OpenPGP, etc) is your responsibility, there is no trust.
There are activist mail providers out there, you will have to look for them.
They probably won't willingly shovel your data to the mine, but still.

  * Free would be nice (I don't want to lose my email account if I lose my
The rest are just shopping items, but when you do find one, consider
sending them a donation and a note about why you chose them once
in while. Because with no ads and no selling and mining you, they need
to make their money the normal way. Try giving $5/yr to fastmail and
don't abuse them in return. Since you don't seem to have a major issue
with paying, that should work, as does their mail.

Whether a provider is "good" depends partly on one's expectations. For $5 you can get a Fastmail.fm acct w/ no ads. But if you're looking for your mail to be deleted from logs quickly (or possibly ever), after you delete it from their server, look elsewhere. Their official policy is it may not be practical for it to be deleted from all logs. It depends on what one wants / needs, in terms of privacy.

Other providers "rarely keep backup logs," & some like Lavabit, "usually delete logs of incoming mail within 7 days. Records of outgoing mail are deleted as soon as they are delivered."

Like you said, (true) privacy is the users responsibility.
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