On Wed, 03 Apr 2013 23:38:40 -0400
cmeclax <cmeclax-sa...@ixazon.dynip.com> wrote:

> http://www.wired.com/threatlevel/2012/03/ff_nsadatacenter/all/1
> If the NSA intercepted all Tor traffic, how fast could they decrypt
> it? What are they up against when trying to break Tor?

Wouldn't this question be more appropriate for a crypto specific
mailing list?  Of course you may find that crypto experts may not be
experts on TOR, though they can give you an idea of how long it would
take to brute force an encrypted stream or file, given what resources,

As for the NSA, they closely guard how many supercomputers they have
and how many they use for decryption.  However, if you are on their
list (the NSA or any government entity), it does not matter how strong
the cryptography is, you can and will be brought in and "convinced" to
divulge anything and everything they want to know.

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