On 5/31/2013 8:54 AM, Robin Kipp wrote:
Hi Joe and Sean,
thanks a lot for your suggestions and discussion!
I have to say Google DNS really isn't an option for me, because I simply don't 
trust Google. Even if they do have a decent privacy policy for their DNS 
service, they do store geographic information which I think is unacceptable for 
a DNS provider. I've considered running my own DNS resolver, however the 
problem is that I use a Soekris Net6501 embedded PC as my home server which is 
also running the Tor node, and I think a DNS resolver would simply cause too 
much overheat on this box.
Thanks a lot though, might have to consider other options if there aren't any 
other suggestions!

Again, I know nothing about Google's DNS service. I do know they've been sued over or have been the target of serious outcries from privacy advocates & users, over their policies AND violating their own policies.

Axiom: Google don't do nothin' for free. There's something in it for them. What - I've no idea. Any contract or policy is only as good as the word of the company behind it - unless one wants to take them to court.

If one trusts Google to ensure privacy & / or anonymity, in spite of their long track record, well...

Why would they store geo info - & ONLY geo info? Maybe to help understand where they need more / less capacity for DNS resolvers? Or something else?

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