>> e...@tormail.org:
>>> I am worried about this. It's why I don't want to rely on obfuscated
>>> bridges to hide my Tor usage, as they're not private and one day I could
>>> get flagged as using Tor if the ISP/military/police is monitoring
>>> connections to the bridge that I'm using at the time.
>>> VPN seems to be the best solution. Services like Airvpn offer additional
>>> services - VPN over SSH and VPN over SSL. VPN over SSL would hide that
>>> I'm
>>> using a VPN, unless they are monitoring connections to Airvpn servers,
>>> but
>>> even then they could only see that I'm using a VPN - *not* a big deal
>>> compared to Tor.
>> Not sure about this, see:
>> https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/TorPlusVPN#VPNSSHFingerprinting
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> Has this been seen used by any ISPs or governments ?

Not to my knowledge.

> It seems to me that it would be too difficult and use far too much
> resources (computer and human time) to run such fingerprinting on the
> millions of internet users, assuming they aren't previously flagged for
> using Tor or suspected as being behind political comments or websites,
> etc.

I think this assumption is too strong. See trac ticket "GFW actively
probes obfs2 bridges":
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