
I don't want to comment on everything you wrote, I agree with most, except 
about e-mail being preferred by the non-techie type.

What I did want to comment on is two things:

1. I would be more than willing to help people that ask questions on a 
discussion board (forum), as along as it's not some lame ass software like what 
the Tor people were first proposing. I.e., were and when the forum site setup 
the free Tor forum as a test, I can't recall the forum software, but I do 
recall is was very ugly and not user friendly, e.g. no "child forums" (aka 

I've been teaching people how to use Tor for a long time. I the person who 
first came up with the concept and rough working of TBB, I told Steven (and 
others) about it on Tor's IRC channel years ago, and Steven took over from my 
very rough work and made TBB for Tor Project. And I'm the person who first came 
up with the concept for TorButton, in it's current state, ie. more than just a 
proxy-switcher, when I proposed including Privoxy scrubbing functions in 
TorBrowser, so it can also do HTTPS. Mike even asked that I write the code, I 
tried, but I suck, so Mike did it.

^^^ I wrote that not because I think it's anything compared to what Nick, 
Roger, Mike, Jacob, et al., have done, I only wrote that to show that I'm not 
just throwing stones. I really CARE about the Tor Project, I've given a lot of 
money, time, and effort to the Tor Project. 

2. This e-mail you wrote only very recently appeared in my Yahoo! inbox, and I 
refresh every couple of minutes. Your second e-mail that's up on Tor Talk 
hasn't even arrived in my inbox yet. That's why I'm so pissed that Tor deiced 
to give up on forums [0,1], because mailing-lists are not for average users, 
nor is a stack exchange page.

P.S. I'm sorry about cursing, you're right, I shouldn't' have cursed. But I'm 
so tired of this stupid discussion, it's been going on for a long time, and the 
Tor Project still is wringing its hands. UGH!!!!!!! 

Why the hell I try to help newbs when Tor Project won't help them, I have no 
idea . . .

P.P.S. Sorry for top-posting.

[0] https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-talk/2013-June/028480.html
[1] https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-talk/2013-June/028507.html

 From: Asa Rossoff <a...@lovetour.info>
To: tor-talk@lists.torproject.org 
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: [tor-talk] Until there's a REAL effing way to communicate, that 
evey1 can use, I'm DONE

Hi Cat,
You've been more involved in the Torr community than I over the past 10
years; I'm only newly trying to get really actively involved, and am pretty
much new to the scene, so you can bear that in mind.

OK, You're mail popped up on my screen at h:26 (to nbe non-specific about my
tie zone).  you're mail timestamp is h:14.  Are clocks may be off by up to
several minutes in opposite directions, so lag is hard to guess from that.
I use a desktop mail client and hav it set to poll every 5 minutes; I have
access to push technology for my email but yes; ivory tour tech who knows
about all that imlpementation stuff and keeps up with it?

None the less:
TOR has Tor-acessible IRC instant chat room messaging.

Personally.  Maybe I'm stuck in the past, but I love email because it is the
only unified messaging solution available where at least techies can limit
who can track all their communications.

Forums are 20th century! "No one" uses them; they do, but they are as much
not "it" as email is not "it" anymore.

Tor could go "Gooogle+" "Facebook" etc. HA! obviously we can't do that;

Where did the money go?  Good question.
Cursing in your initial message on this topic, unprovoked?  Baddddd start to
a productive discourse.

I use IRC and email.  I'm content, a soecial page I have to sign into and
track? well, only if they email me about every post.  But then, might as
well just use email.  I'm interested if you have good ideas to share.


-----Original Message-----
From: tor-talk-boun...@lists.torproject.org
[mailto:tor-talk-boun...@lists.torproject.org] On Behalf Of Cat S
Sent: Monday, June 17, 2013 5:14 PM
To: tor-talk@lists.torproject.org
Subject: [tor-talk] Until there's a REAL effing way to communicate, that
evey1 can use, I'm DONE

Hi all,

This mailing-list is a stupid fucking joke, well, at least for those of us
who aren't techies. Really, this is stupid, you're not allowing a lot of
people to community by using this Ivory tower mailing-list crap.

I've been using Tor near 10 years now, and this has GOT to change. It's like
Tor Project is stuck in the 20th Century! I know all the arguments about why
Tor Project hasn't (and seemingly won't) offer a way for everyone to
communicate, and they're valid but they're also bullshit. They're bullshit
because you're all (or, at least most of you are) using them as an excuse to
throw up your hands and start a stupid fucking stack exchange page . . .
with all it's Fackbook integration and other crap users have to wade through

I will never donate another penny to Tor, and I've given quite a lot
(anonymously) over the years, until a real solution is found. What the hell
happened to the money that was supposedly ear-marked to write (or hack) a
forum software?

"real solution" = discussion forum

I'm going to start an account at stack exchange and try my damndest to make
my question in the top: 
"Why won't the Tor Project support user-friendly form of anonymous
communication - i.e., a discussion forum?"

Stop with the fucking madness! Just make a real solution and be done with
it! Otherwise, decrease the lag time between when a message is posted on the
mailing-list and when it reaches my inbox. I mean, what the hell?! Why does
it take so effing long for an e-mail to reach my inbox when it's been up on
the mailing-list for quite a while?! That's why it's so hard to use
mailing-lists, there not instantaneous, so it's very hard to have a on-going

Mailing-lists suck Cartman's balls.

The Tor Project needs someone who ONLY cares about Tor's users, not about
the code per se. Having the greatest Tor in the world is a great goal, but
if you don't allow non-tech users a way to communicate your work's not worth
a damn (as techies already now how to use these programs, the prole you're
trying to help generally DO NOT - I know this because I teach many people
how to use TBB).
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