The function of Tormail I need that suggested solutions don't seem to have is the ability to receive and reply to clear text ordinary Email sent from a non-secure SMTP. As the recipient, I use Tor and anyone monitoring the Email can't associate it with me, except possibly by the contents. I have some hope that an Email between Venezuela and a Tor entry/exit node usually outside the USA would not be scrutinized by the NSA.

As a hosting venue for Tormail and a replacement for Freedom Hosting, I suggest Iceland, Brazil, and Venezuela.

Kim Dotcom is moving his operations from New Zealand to Icelend.

Brazil, I have been told, will not extradite a Brazilian citizen anywhere for anything.

Venezuela recently offered Snowden asylum, and has a general reputation of telling the USA to F off. I have a contact in Venezuela that can get hosting accounts with 5 Email addresses for about $40/year. I'm trying to get more information now on whether it could provide space for Tor onion services.

Edgar <>
San Jose, CA 95123

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