On Thu, 2013-10-03 at 11:45 -0600, aut...@anonymousbitcoinbook.com
> Hey all,
> I'm writing a book about the use of Bitcoin and anonymity. A fair 
> portion of the book will be dedicated to teaching people how to most 
> safely use Tor to facilitate anonymity with Bitcoin. Are there any 
> special tips that people have for configuring Tor or using Tor when it 
> comes to Bitcoin?
> Right now, I'm recommending the use of a LiveCD Linux distro (Ubuntu) 
> with TorBundle for Linux and the vanilla Bitcoin client for Linux. A 
> couple tips I'm already aware of are to disable JavaScript before using 
> (since NoScript currently defaults to being on :() and to avoid 
> downloading files through the web browser such as PDF documents.
> In particular, I'm curious 1) if there needs to be special 
> configuration to ensure that all DNS request go through Tor, and 2) 
> whether I can configure the system not to send any internet message 
> except through the Tor proxy.
> Regards,
> Kristov

You can use iptables to drop all traffic except for tor ports. Use
appropriate rules for inside -> outside and outside -> inside.

nmap would then come in handy as to port scan your system.

But if your are serious about it, drop Ubuntu... the spaceboy is
misbehaving for a long time now. Tails is something to be hacked on.

Do not forget that we are cattle on an animal farm which is managed and
handled mostly by machines. Machines do what they are/were told to. What
lies in between stdin and stdout and is not shown in stderr?

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