On 10/10/2013 11:26 AM, Joe Btfsplk wrote:
I assume? most users of WINDOWS TBB 2.3.25-12/13 that have read of my
problem, have recently tried Startpage, Ixquick, DDG - & not really
having any issues?

Would Tor message log posted here have anything useful that more
experienced users may spot a problem?
I looked at logs (w/ Debug, error, warning, notice turned on) for FAILED
connection to Startpage /  Ixquick & Check.torproject VS. good
connection to other sites.  Nothing obvious -  others may see something.
HOLY CRAP, TOR MAN. I discovered it's some change (update?) in Kaspersky Internet Security 2014, blocking access to certain sites, like the Tor checkpage, Ixquick, Startpage. But it doesn't affect vast majority of sites in TBB.

SPECIFICALLY, it seems KIS's "monitoring" of HTTPS port 443 that blocks certain sites using HTTPS, in TBB -ONLY-, NOT in Fx. Just because it monitors certain ports, (normally) it wouldn't block *EVERYTHING* using those ports, unless there's a "setting" in TBB causing a problem, that's NOT in Fx. Both have HTTPS everywhere (UNchecking "force HTTPS on Startpage" made no change); both browsers have NoScript.

In regular Fx 24, KIS is still monitoring HTTPS port 443 & Startpage, et al., load just fine.
So it's a *TBB / Tor connection* & port 443 that KIS has a problem with.

Guessing here - seems like a problem w/ TBB "triggering" KIS to block it on port 443. Fx 24 is NOT blocked on port 443.

I can / will go on the Kaspersky forum on this, but some here may have good solutions.
* Tor / TBB is already in KIS's "Trusted Group," so no problem there.

* Don't (think I) want to turn off ALL port 443 monitoring; causes no problem in Fx & probably should be monitored??

* Don't want to whitelist (not monitor) *ALL* TBB activity in KIS - takes away all protection.

Must be something specific on -HOW- TBB accesses port 443 VS. regular Fx, that KIS sees as a problem.
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