On Tue, Oct 15, 2013 at 7:23 PM, Michael Wolf <mikewol...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't know about anyone else -- but I also don't follow URLs hidden
> behind link shortening services.  What's wrong with using the actual URL
> so people can see where they're going?

These people think all of life is a text message and, just like lazy top
posters, blissfully inflict their scourge on others. They also like to
force eyeballs to follow them. So just don't, and continue to reject that.
If it's important, you'll find out through other means.

Ironic to see them using these to link to recent revelations when...
- it's centralized, for easy referer and user harvesting, sales, spying,
 cracking, ads
- it's centralized, for easy censorship, and simply losing human
knowledge/links when they go out of business.
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