On 22.10.2013 10:56, grarpamp wrote:
Right... biggest search engine loaded with ridiculous amounts of
money, bandwidth, hardware, talent and code ... and you choose to
deny search to Tor users who couldn't possibly hurt your silly
search portal...

I fail to grasp why every geek feels a need to fill the Google coffers.

Almost daily I read a couple of whines about how Google is evil. I have a weird gut feeling it's the same crowd that was brownosing to Google a few years ago when they were looking for a Messia to help their sorry asses with Microsoft.

The search engine is sooo evil. Yet, DDK does not return cute enough answers. Gmail is sooo evil because not any ahole can have 10 accounts without identification. It's 7GB of storage for nothing, yet they track the poor geek's ass. People with at least 3 iThings owned caring sooo much about their privacy. Google Plus is this and that, yet Blogger is nice enough to have blogs. Youtube is a reason to have Flash installed.

In the end, it seems a few people in the whole world care about this issues. The rest is all about bitching. It used to be Microsoft which brought most of the people here online. Before Microsoft there was no Internet for the masses so the bitching was less common. Now is Google. Every freedom (haha) fighter (hahaha) has a twitter account. Than I read in the Guardian how the poor guys were tracked by the security forces all the time.

10 years from now there would be another evil entity torturing billions of people not reading what they agree by clicking there.

In a world where EFF and other organizations like it fight to give the people network neutrality and limit the different branches of state institutions, people hardly donate $5 for that, but they can pay $10 a month for a DropBox account with all its security issues, they pay $10 a month for HideMyAss to sell their ass, they dump $10 a month for HushMail to read their emails the same way as Google, only give the data a lot faster. How many of these aholes have paid the $8 for the lavabit service? I'm not sure there are many donating $10 a month to riseup.net or to the Tor Project.


And Google does not have talent. Sorry. I know there are a couple of the Google guys on this list. Probably there are a few No Such Agency guys as well. And some MI6, KGB, and other 3 letter organizations. These are whores. People that choose a good life over principles. Sure, change the system from the inside. Only that there is just one Snowden and one Manning.

Try an education. Try «Il giardino dei Finzi-Contini». It's a movie, you don't even need to bother reading something else than «Developing for Android in 10 easy steps».

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