It's a nice idea to suggest he joins the list.

I'll drop the hint, but this guy is not one to participate in online discussions in any meaningful fashion. He is very security conscious and does not have any form of traceable online presence as it is. But he may come in under a pseudonym.

Irrespective of his experience, one would be rather foolish to presume being within the Tor network doesn't open you to some sort of hactivity. Its like painting a big red target sign on your back and governments around the world will be trying to infiltrate any machine connected to Tor.

This is particularly obvious in the light of Snowden's revelations. Oops keyword! Did I mention my old car. Its a real old bomb (nuther keyword :)

Perhaps he was targeted in a sloppy manner and thus discovered the attacks. For my part I take him at his word. And to be honest we are unlikely to get much more than that out of him, he would consider anything else a security leak.


Please keep the replies civil. I know there is one in every crowd. Don't be that one.

On 02/11/2013 6:16 PM, Michael Wolf wrote:
On 11/2/2013 2:33 AM, DeveloperChris wrote:
I got to speak with my acquaintance about his experience. Sadly It was
as bad but not as quick as I was told.

He told me within a three week period of setting up the tor exit node he
considered his entire internal network compromised as several of his
machines showed signs of being compromised. I didn't get to ask the
specifics of that. But knowing this person as I do when he says
compromised, it is not something you take lightly.

He reformatted and rebuilt every machine from known good sources and
sworn off Tor.

I'm still inclined to believe any compromise was unrelated to Tor.  If
this was a Windows network, it is not unheard of for one machine to
infect the rest.  The infection could have started on any of the
machines over the 3 weeks (or even beforehand).  If it's a *nix
network... having one machine compromised is plausible (however
unlikely), but having an entire network compromise would suggest many
serious mistakes were made.  The fact that he reformatted suggests these
were Windows boxes (it makes little sense to reformat a *nix box unless
you've been rooted... and I can't imagine an entire *nix network being
rooted unless someone has REALLY screwed up).

I think if this conversation is to progress beyond "Tor got someone's
network hacked" <-> "No, it probably it didn't", we'll need some
specifics.  Perhaps this associate should join the tor-talk list?
Here's some specific information that would be relevant:

* OS (Specific version):

* Tor Version:

* Specific evidence that Tor Exit was compromised (what was it doing,
was there detected malware, what was the name of the malware, etc...):

* Specific evidence that other network machines were infected (with same
data as above... OS, running services, etc):

* Specific evidence that the Tor Exit was the source of the compromise:

I think until those facts are known, we're just spinning our wheels.

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