On 11/2/2013 11:16 AM, Moritz Bartl wrote:
On 11/02/2013 02:27 PM, Joe Btfsplk wrote:
Don't expect too much help here [from Moritz].
Well, not from some, anyway. LOL :)
Hey hey, no reason to become hostile. I wrote the mail, which I consider
"help". Help in making you understand why nobody really interacted with
you over this issue the last time you brought it up.

Sounds like you would rather not have me comment on this at all. I was
trying to be helpful, as in: it is a KIS bug, *especially* if it goes
away when you restart it, and also, if it messes with SOCKS in this way,
they should get this fixed. If you want to help them fix it, run a local
network sniffer and find out what they do exactly with the requests in

Thanks Moritz,
the phrase "Well, not from some, anyway. LOL :)" w/ "LOL" & a smilie is pretty far from hostile, from my understanding. That's why they're sometimes used in email / postings - to indicate tone, that's often lost in email.

Thought I was taking the high road; trying to "defuse" what seemed like a pretty flippant, "looking down your nose" reply. If not your intent, I apologize. If it was, may want to dial back a notch. I'm sure lots of Tor users have closed source AV software.
But, see here - I'm still smiling:  :D, :), ;)

"Why no one responded...?" Kinda amusing. Could well be same reason KIS "gurus" / long time mods are stumped. Or same reason hundreds of software devs have been stumped by my questions / observations, over decades. Millions of users post intelligent questions on forums / lists *ALL* the time & no one has an answer. Means nothing.

It'd be very hard for me & many to *entirely* avoid closed source software. I try to use open source if at all possible.

I'll try the sniffer - if don't discover something else (soon), or if KIS support doesn't have a solution. I'm not sure Kaspersky cares about KIS / TBB issues. Yes, it seems like a (possible) bug. Stopping / restarting KIS *shouldn't* have an effect on certificates, whether it is / isn't scanning encrypted connections, etc. No (visible) settings are changed, by stopping / restarting it. That's why I said it was unusual.
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