On 11/14/2013 5:27 PM, Missouri Anglers wrote:
Has the security of "Simple Mail" been discussed yet?
If so, can someone tell me where I can find the past discussions?

If not,   Simple Mail is a mail client add on for Firefox. It allows you to get notified, 
read and write messages for multiple email accounts "inside" Firefox. Does it 
maintain the privacy associated with the TOR Firefox browser?
Maybe others have direct experience w/ it. The general problem w/ many extensions, plugins, even clients - is they don't "follow the rules" of staying w/in the Tor network AND not revealing data that may leak your identity / location. It's a case by case basis, but for Tor, most don't use extensions / plugins - for email - like you're talking. They're not developed w/ extreme anonymity in mind. Not that they don't work for general, non anonymous use.

You want what everyone does - ultimate convenience & high anonymity. They rarely exist together.

You can search the archives of Tor-talk for previous discussions.
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