There has been lots of discussion on this list about the Safeplug, which didn't garner much enthusiasm from the list members. I haven't seen this project mentioned:

An open-source software and hardware router for Tor, vpn, etc. Being open-source, it eliminates a lot of the concerns expressed about the Safeplug. The downside is it costs US$400. It's being crowd-funded via Indigogo and they are seeking $200,000 to get it going. I really don't know if they will be successful or not. Too early to tell.

It seems to me that a project similar to DD-WRT but specifically aimed at providing Tor would be a _lot_ less expensive.

What I do find encouraging is the number of Tor related projects that are springing up in the aftermath of the NSA revelations.

Ed Fletcher

"If you are not paying for it, you're not the
customer; you're the product being sold."
-- Andrew Lewis, August 26, 2010
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