On 12/07/2013 07:59 PM, Mark McCarron wrote:
> I would be wary of Android.  Its is complex to secure given the closed nature 
> of most handsets.

Do you have a mobile OS of choice that you feel is more trustworthy, or
are you referring to smartphones in general?

> Unless manufactures provide the complete source, tools to flash chips, proper 
> docs on chips and devices unlocked, I would never use such device for secure 
> access to Tor.

Do you hold your desktop/laptop computing manufacturers to the same

> Presuming these devices have been designed to be accessible by governments is 
> a wise bet. It probably the real reason behind devices not providing root 
> access or the ability to do custom installs and the various laws to enforce 
> that.

You might be interested in our work documenting and teaching people how
to build as free and secure as possible mobile computing devices on
Android tablets without basebands:

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