On 1/7/14 1:32 PM, Christian wrote:
> Hi,
> sorry for the late answer.
> On 30.12.2013 16:53, Arlo Breault wrote:
>> I wrote a little proof of concept rendering globe server-side with phantom.js
>> https://github.com/makepanic/globe/pull/42
>> On Sunday, December 29, 2013 at 1:42 AM, Karsten Loesing wrote:
> I like this idea but don't know what the better approach would be.
> Is the plan to avoid a JavaScript client side implementation as a
> relay/bridge search service or just provide a fallback for users that
> have JavaScript disabled?

I guess whatever works in browsers that don't have JavaScript is fine.

I'm unclear what the difference between your two options is.  Does the
second option check whether the user has JavaScript enabled or disabled
and return a different website, and does the first always return the
website that requires no JavaScript?

What's the easiest for you to maintain?

>>> I talked to weasel, and he says we could run the nodejs package that's
>>> in wheezy-backports:
>>> http://packages.debian.org/wheezy-backports/nodejs
>>> Is that recent enough?
> Their using node 0.10.x with is ok for me.


All the best,

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