2014-01-26 Joe Btfsplk <joebtfs...@gmx.com>
TBB 3.5 for Win is starting in half screen & the UI sizing buttons are
hidden because the TBB UI is shifted where the size buttons are off the
So is most of the title bar, making it hard to drag the UI down to reach
buttons.  Once maximized, it fits fine on the monitor.

Finally got it pulled down so could maximize TBB, then closed it. Thinking
it'd reopen maximized.  On reopening, same thing - the UI size buttons are
hidden off top of monitor.
This is the 1st TBB version I've seen this problem.  Not a problem w/ any
other apps.
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On 1/25/2014 9:22 PM, Nils Kunze wrote:
You can use the windows key + an arrow key to resize and move windows. So
for example win + left arrow to make the window take over the left half of
the screen. With that you should be able to put it in the position you like
Thank you. However, is anyone else having that problem? This is something I haven't seen in any apps for a long time.

Firefox remembers the last window size when it was closed. TBB 3.5 doesn't seem to, nor where it was positioned.
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