On 1/26/2014 1:15 PM, Al Billings wrote:
Assuming we’re talking about people opening web pages in TB tabs, that normally 
can only happen if someone installs Thunderbrowse or a similar extension. By 
default, TB doesn’t render web pages.
I thought the same thing. I'm pretty sure I've had links in email open IN Tbird tabs. It happened so rarely, took me by surprise. For safety, I never really clicked links in email. After that, I never do. I'm guessing it may've been a confirmation email for website forum, tech support w/ a link, etc. Something I expected, or likely wouldn't just have clicked it, regardless of what Tbird's supposed / not supposed to do.

Of course, NSA could've intercepted the real confirmation & sent a link that downloaded malware.

If R click > "copy link location" was missing, I'd not click it at all, or erase msg or at bare minimum (if it was important), look at the msg source to see the real link. When you're tired, may not realize you're in email & absent mindedly click a link. Rather than a browser - where it's common to click links.
Something to be said for using email text only mode.
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