On 1/29/2014 7:05 AM, Kristov Atlas wrote:
Then the button should read "change exit node" and not "new identity", no?

On Jan 27, 2014, at 22:02, Michael Wolf <mikewol...@gmail.com> wrote:

On 1/26/2014 5:57 AM, Lunar wrote:
Katya Titov:
New Identity works from both TBB and Vidalia. The difference is that
from TBB the entire browser closes and restarts and you lose open tabs.
When choosing a new identity from Vidalia the browser remains open.
I need to point this out one more time: In the case of the latter,
the browser content stays the same. All the browser content. Including
cookies, history, and many other things that are used to fingerprint a
browser session. This means that from the websites point of view,
nothing changes except the IP address. You keep the same identity there.
Sometimes you don't actually want your "identity" to change, but you
want to move to a different exit node because there is a connection
issue between the exit node and the destination.  You're browsing, and
then your exit node changes after so many minutes... but the new exit
node could be overloaded so it drops half of the requests coming
through, or the exit node is banned (HTTP 403) on the site being
requested, or the exit node is misbehaving and modifying traffic, or...

At this time, using Vidalia is the only way to change exit nodes without
losing all your tabs, or to see which exit node is misbehaving.  It
would be really useful to be able to change exit nodes without Vidalia,
even if this function is hidden somewhat.

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Playing devil's advocate - is it a good or not so good idea for users
1) not to be able to see their current (exit) node? For Tor users in certain countries, would it be the best choice to use nodes located in their own countries or in ones suspected of being "cooperative" with their countries? Or nodes in specific other countries, depending on your country & its working relationship with those other countries?

Or is using exit nodes in your own country or in countries that regularly trade info with your country (many countries do), not considered an issue - at all?

2) not to know the result of a new identity? Given 1) - (can't see nodes)..., then 2) seems a moot point.
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