On Thu, 2014-01-30 at 18:18 -0600, Joe Btfsplk wrote:
> On 1/30/2014 9:22 AM, Sukhoi wrote:
> > In fact, I am worried with the Wireless Position System developed by
> > google and others, and the introduction in the browsers, like firefox, a
> > way to track which wireless networks the computer can "see" in a given
> > moment. Based on that they identify the user physical (because google
> > street view mapped the wireless network physical location), fingerprint
> > the computer and, possibly, track other key information.
> >
> > Seems that this critical issue is not currently handled by TOR.
> OK - why would Mozilla want to track the location of users?  Or think 
> that (eventually) users would not say "No" to physically being tracked?  
> Who *wouldn't* want to be physically tracked?  Like certain mobile 
> providers were geographically tracking some users. That way, if you get 
> lost, just call your mobile provider's CS & say, "Where am I?"
> Or, is it Google saying to Mozilla, "If you want the $ we pay you (for 
> making Google the default search engine), then we need to be able to 
> physically track Fx users.  So, make it happen."
> Or, maybe it's a 3 letter agency telling Mozilla & Google to add ability 
> in their browsers / searches, to physically track users?

IMHO there is no need to do it, google would do it on it's own. Or do
you seriously believe that wireless collection was made by accident?
They've made it clear that they will collect it one way or the other.

But apparently the spooks don't trust google to hand it over. They ask
and compare... what might they do when they find out that some data was


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