I can use TOR on Yandex without any major problem including market and partner. 
SOME exit nodes are blocked, just use others. To select exit nodes from Moscow, 
seems hard, but look at the list of exit nodes and check tehir IP, MAYBE you 
will see that some of them are located in Moscow.

Another way is to rent a VPN service located in Moscow, or even rent a VPS in a 
datacenter, use it as a proxy, send your emails through TOR to your VPS, so it 
will show the datacenter in Moscow IP. And if logs are checked by the 
datacenter< They will show TOR exit nodes from anywhere in the world.

On 02-Mar-14 12:00 PM, Jadaan wrote:> 
> Please dont ignore me and give me a support give me 5 min please and read all 
> me email
> Dear sir please help me or give me your advise
> Yandex.ru have site market.yandex.ru and partner.yandex.ru
> They block me .somehow it know me from pc maybe ?
> it is very important for my bussniess
>    At first i change my usb modem and mac address using tmac soft
> And delete profile folder befor login
>   And change pc name and user name and windows owner name from regedit but 
> this is not enagh
> They still know me
>    I want to ask a question
> Please answer me
> -------------------------------------
> 1- can yandex.ru know my motherboard or proccessor or hard disk imei or 
> serial number after i signin or from my windows serial nb
> I mean can they detect me from hardware. Do i need to purchase a new pc and 
> modem and simcard that used in usb modem
> Or purchase new windows xp ?
>    To other user for them
> -------------------------------------
> 2- can yandex.ru know which sim card i use is they read iccid or other things
> ---------------------------------------
> 3- please please please
> How can i spacify tor to be shown that my location is moscow-city russia 
> beacouse they block any comments or move i made
> beacouse of location.
>    They have they filter
>    I know that excitenode can put {ru}
> But i need only moscow city
> --------------------
> 4- if i recive an email from yandex and make it by filler automaticly send a 
> copy to gmail or hotmail
>    Can they know spacify mobile that i will read my email from
>     And is there a secure email box that i can read it from my mobile and the 
> sender will never know from where i read it and from which pc or mobile i 
> read it
>    --------------------------------
> 4-How can i filter geoip list {ru}
> for moscow-city location only
>    Or from where i can get or purchase
>    Geoip only moscow-city russia working to put it in gioip list
> ----------------------------------
> Or is there any comand that i can use to make it
> Please answer 4Q
> Thanks
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