On 08/03/14 00:39, Hongyi Zhao wrote:
> Hi all,
> I noticed that the following website:
> https://globe.torproject.org/
> On the above site, it has the some descriptions like this:  Globe is an
> application that helps you find and explore
> Tor<https://www.torproject.org/>relays and bridges.
> So I want to use this tool to find obfs2/3 bridges for me to use.  But
> don't know whether is it possible and how  to do this by using the above
> website.

Globe displays details and statistics about relays and bridges, but it
doesn't tell you the IP addresses of bridges for you to use.  It's
designed for relay and bridge operators and more generally interested users.

BridgeDB is the service you're looking for:


All the best,

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