* on the Fri, May 30, 2014 at 02:51:33PM -0500, Joe Btfsplk wrote:

> So the ABP filter is to block cookie notifications?  Meaning, users have 
> to already have cookie permissions set?  And for new sites, they must 
> remember when sites don't load or work correctly (notices are blocked), 
> it may be because cookies are required?   I guess that's OK, if users 
> remember right away that blocked cookies are causing sites not to work.  
> Unless, they allow all 1st party cookies, by default?

All it does is hide the notices yes. There is no reason to block first
party cookies from being set. It doesn't get you anything. What is
important is for the cookies not to leak cross-site, and for them to
be deleted when you leave the site.

> Good idea - self destruct cookies.  But another addon... in TBB, no 
> less?  I might try it in Fx - but I've already got enough (far fewer 
> than many users).  Maybe some cookie mgr dev could add that (or has).  
> It's not in Cookie Monster.
> Here's a legit medical info site I just saw the cookie notice. Can't 
> load 1st page w/o cookies:
> Main page:  http://www.medscape.com
> http://www.medscape.com/?cc=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5tZWRzY2FwZS5jb20vaG9tZQ==&cookieCheck=1

Then allow cookies?

If your worry is that the adblock filter I mentioned will have hidden
this particular notice from you, then don't. Nobody has written that
rule, and the nature of the notice means that nobody would.

Mike Cardwell  https://grepular.com https://emailprivacytester.com
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