On 8/7/2014 2:41 PM, RD wrote:
Hello Joe,Thursday, August 7, 2014, 12:38:51 AM, you wrote:

Because, the displayed name or even URL in the email body may be
*completely* different from the actual URL in the message header
(message source) that opens, once clicked.
In my example, I needed to see a link to click. I did from a known link
inside a known email, and so forth .. in a plain-text email at that.

No mater how I get to a link, if it's outside Tor, then regular Firefox
opens and this is a PITA .

in any case, thanks to those who replied and are offering some form of
help. It IS appreciated.

As I think someone commented, there may be a bug (under review) about setting TBB as default browser.
I haven't tried it.

In short term, email links can be R clicked, copied, then pasted into TBB (or browser of choice).
That's pretty good advice, no matter the browser.
The larger point being, links can be / are spoofed all the time to have almost identical spelling as the "real" site and the site they link to can be a clone of the real site (my bank, etc.). One thing that's constantly warned against, is just clicking email links & opening in a browser w/o even looking at the name / spelling of the URL entered in the browser.

Aside from links in email being spoofed, other issues / concerns over opening email links has been discussed here before.

One of those issues was, for a small number of "specially crafted" email links, they can be crafted to open in Tbird (rather than the default browser - IF just clicked, not R-clicked).
"Normally," links don't open in Tbird.
Another list member pointed to some research that when links were designed to open in the email client, they would be missing the "copy link location" context menu choice. At least in *some* instances, that was one way to identify links as "trouble."
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