On 14-09-10 12:26 AM, Griffin Boyce wrote:
> Things that are important to note for hidden service operators:
>   - Firewall rules are really useful for keeping out unwarranted scrutiny.

Would it be better to have a separate firewall appliance to ensure the
hidden service box cannot be as easily DDoS'd or exploited?

>   - Don't hardcode your IP address in any links (though this is one of
> the least-likely theories).
>   - Having a pseudonym isn't a replacement for excellent security
> practices.
>   - Don't run a hidden service host.

I dont understand this one.  What is a hidden service operator if not
someone who runs a hidden service host?

>   - For best security, run your own services rather than relying on
> someone else's security.  I feel like this is often overlooked in the
> name of "easiness" but it's really important IMO. [1]
> best,
> Griffin
> [1] Incidentally, the hidden service documentation rewrite has been
> underway for a while now.
> [2] As Salvador Dali once said "I don't do drugs, I *am* drugs." #fact

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