
David Balažic:
> On 7 September 2014 14:29, Sebastian G. <bastik.tor> <
> bastik....@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> - Users have to select their language during "install". (UI problem?)
> Users already made a language choice when installing the OS (or booting an
> OEM install for the first time).

The users do not have to choose their language again/one more time:
Now, they already do this choice -- before downloading TBB through the

What I'm saying is, having the user choose to download only one package
and then selecting the language is just the reverse as is done at the
moment, not a new/additional step.

I'm not sure if the order doesn't matter, because (maybe) you're in
another mood ("calm", "reading", "searching") when browsing the
torproject website, whereas when you launch TBB you want to see
something/get to your goal soonish..


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