I think so too. But what's the default policy now? 3 hops? Or when the circuit is established it turns to a 1 hop circuit? Because 100ms seems to be a 1 hop circuit like a simple proxy, not an onion routing of 3 HOPS. I tried to recompile Tor sources, but it's harder than changing a variable, because the code doesn't seems to obey to the default hop length when circuit is established. I believe in conspirations, so do the HOP policy is against us and helping NSA to easy trace all Tor users? In help of my theory, a lot of hidden services was closed in the recent past times, maybe not using any hacking techniques but only hacking the Tor flux. If that it's possible, I think that Tor is only another weapon in the hands of western government to do propaganda in China and Iran, and a stupid proxy for Americans and European people. Please tell me that at least Torproject is "innocent", is only a group of computer scientists, and not a trojan organization. But it's hard to think, because maybe near the 100% of the sponsors come from our USA government, and, thinking about how was in the past, encryption was illegal if too good. Why now can we have a so powerful instrument like Tor? Or Tor is not secure by design as we think?

Let there be light

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