On Tue, Jan 6, 2015, at 09:56 PM, David Fifield wrote:
> It's important to understand that even if you change the front domain,
> you're not sticking some random person with a bandwidth bill. It's the
> owner of the "url=" that gets charged, not the owner of the "front=",
> and the "url=" has to be specially set up to accept meek connections.
> The "url="s in this email are set up for public use (i.e., they are
> what's getting paid for in the "Summary of meek's costs" emails I send
> to tor-dev).
 This is very cool. Presumably you could set up your own domain or
 subdomain with OpenDNS or any other free DNS provider and point the
 domain to Google's or Amazon's or Azure's IPs? Giving an unlimited
 supply of Front Domains?
You didn't attach the picture, btw, but it's fairly clear.

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