dear lara

you have a parasite ... ideology is a belief system & belief systems are


whoever said that there already are a lot of open source tor like things
... name them here

and making things open source code umn didnt tor like do that too ?? uh

new structures need to be opensource for many reasons but moreover
designing things for privacy ... just thinking about it alone ... can
produce shifts .....that there are people 'functioning' on this list that
think thought - just the processies of thought - about design is
solutionless is a really fucking subconscious (meaning - lowest) level

i get that nsa (or somebody) has quantum computing and we are all fucked
but i dont think sitting on my ass and doing nothing is an option

On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 2:54 PM, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:

> On 7/30/15, Alexandre Guillioud <> wrote:
> > To Zenaan :
> >
> > I havn't enough grasp on english language (i have a hell of time to
> debunk
> > sarcastics comment in my own language, let alone english) to determine if
> > you are backing me or are pushing me into the cliff.
> Don't sweat on it - the cliff might be better/ more comfort, than
> knowing more :)
> Some things in onion web bring tears. Some things our governments do
> bring tears. The world is sometimes a harsh place.
> > Anyway, I back you on your description of the situation. A few 'genuine
> > members' (everyone in here is tor dev ?) are slowing down tor
> development,
> > by making the possibility of a move out of sight.
> I described Juan's terminology, my interpretation anyway.
> > Friend ! \o/
> >
> > Isn't out there tor forks with enough peers ?
> Search e.g. GnuNET, I2P, etc - these are different software stacks,
> not forks of TOR stack. TOR fork might not make sense - one of the
> security benefits is the large number of people using TOR - then you
> become a "needle in the haystack". Same for other networks, more or
> less.
> The centralized parts of TOR need to be (at least partially)
> decentralised, at least for scalability - TOR currently will fall over
> if most of Internet tries to use it on one day. So if you are a
> programmer have a go - you will be welcomed.
> If you trust TOR devs (and centralised TOR network parts) as
> "benevolent dictators", then theory says TOR network can be more
> secure. Personal opinion's on actual security of a particular web
> surfing activity in current actual TOR network, are probably only
> relevant to the individual who owns the said opinion :)
> I suggest that you try to avoid "are you for me, or against me" - it
> is not useful. Sharing ideas is useful. Highlighting blind trust is
> useful, highlighting unseen assumptions, and unseen facts (thank you
> Juan!) are useful activities. Assisting each other's understanding,
> even if we differ in opinions on small things (all things are small ;)
>  is more important than saying we do or do not oppose one another.
> Juan rowed a tough road for some time - he kept highlighting the USA
> government funding at the core of TOR, and highlighted assumptions
> some of us made. Some people take his brash manner as though it is
> oppositional - yes it is oppositional to institutionalised human
> killing, as so we all should be, and his language is sometimes harsh;
> but for me, if I actually had need for some level of genuine privacy
> and/ or anonymity when using TOR and my mind be sleepy, then Juan's
> voice is very much needed by me and my sleepy mind! Juan says "wake
> up!" and he also often adds "you fool!" - ignore the second part and
> you will enjoy most people :)
> Peace,
> Zenaan
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