On Sun, Jan 03, 2016 at 11:00:21AM +0100, karste...@mailbox.org wrote:
> Hi,
> On January 2, 2016 at 10:49 PM Justin wrote:
> > I really doubt that 1.5 million bots are using Tor everyday by the way.
> The Mevade.A botnet had 4 million bots, which were using Tor in summer
> 2013. Some links:
> http://blog.fox-it.com/2013/09/05/large-botnet-cause-of-recent-tor-network-overload/
> http://blog.trendmicro.com/trendlabs-security-intelligence/the-mysterious-mevade-malware/
> Mevade.A has done some mistakes by switching all bots in a short time to
> Tor. This behaviour attracts more attention to the botnet:
> https://threatpost.com/moving-to-tor-a-bad-move-for-massive-botnet/102284/
> I think, Tor usage is a mirror of real world problems. Everybody, who want
> s to have a little anonymity, is using Tor. Malicious bots hiding C&C
> communication, criminals selling drugs, people watching all kinds of porn,
> intelligence agencies and military cyber forces are using Tor.... and so
> on. 
> Human rights activists in bloody regimes with murderous dictators are a
> very very small group in real world and it is a very small group among Tor
> users too.  

Sad sum: tor community is a helper for cyber criminals, bloody (and not very)
regimes and biggest distributer of kids porn. Lol :)

Hi, mommy, you're rare exception, who sometimes read blocked in Russia 
sites, like Грани.ру. I love you, mom, you're the best! =)
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