Juha Nurmi <juha.nurmi <at> ahmia.fi> writes:

> First way I did this was pretty simple: I compared my real ahmia
> (msydqstlz2kzerdg.onion) to the fake one. I scanned them and detected
> the difference. The fake ahmia changes URLs to point to fake services.
> Now I have several clever methods to detect fake websites.

Hi - the question as to which is the "real" onion address and which is the
"fake" one is a matter of interpretation. Normally there's a "real" onion
first and then some copy-cats later - then you can compare the copy-cats to
the original and decide that they are fakes. But what if you don't find out
about the "real" onion if you've already found the copy-cat first and put
that in your list? Or what if the "real" owner decides that they want to
change onion address, would you mark that as a "fake" ? 

It's not cut-and-dry, I appreciate that you're doing your best to find the
fakes and weed them out. It sounds like a hard job but someones gotta do it
so thanks.

-- lukep

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