> Hi,
> Today I got an idea of how to measure "The CloudFlare problem". It turns
> out that every time you visit a website that's behind CloudFlare a
> cookie is set with the name __cfduid
> If you use Firefox these cookies end up in a SQLite database which can
> be queried with the SQLite Manager add-on. My total number of cookies is
> 2523 (I disable third-party cookies by default). CloudFlare cookies:
> 321. So 321/2523 *100 = 12.7% of the domains I have visited are
> monitored by CloudFlare.

As stated, that conclusion is wrong.  In general, 1 cookie != 1 domain.  A
site can set 0 or more cookies, and for differing (sub)domains.

> Quite shocking I think.
> Rob.
> https://hoevenstein.nl
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