On Jun 6, 2016 3:49 PM, "Lara" <lara....@emails.veryspeedy.net> wrote:

>> I don't know Nick. I don't care if he exists or not.

Nick really exists and he is a good guy, a kind person.  I don't know him
in person, but we have some friends in common and I already had read some
of his messages in the past.  He is a hacker culture enthusiastic.  A good

He really "disappeared" for some years.  His last message in my personal
archives is from 2012, talking about Chaos Communication Congress.

Yesterday, after reading that post about Nick Farr, I cried a lot and spent
a considerable time making searches in my archives.  It was pretty sad for
several personal reasons.

Well, I am worried about Nick too.  And, yes, it can sounds strange for
some people here, but I am praying for him too.  A lot...  :(

I don't know if his name is just being used for someone or not, if he is
alive or not, what happened or not, what is happening or not, but he is not
the kind of guy who would post something using Jake's name here.

Even being hurted and feeling pain, Nick probably would use his own name.
And he was kind, not cruel like the person behind that account.
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