Franklin Bynum

I am a volunteer in the Tor community and watched with great interest as 
allegations of sexual assault against Jacob Appelbaum surfaced last week.

His statement is carefully worded, and so I did my best to decipher it here.

    "In the past few days, a calculated and targeted attack has been launched 
to spread vicious and spurious allegations against me."

I can’t directly say the allegations are false.

    "Given the way these accusations have been handled, I had little choice but 
to resign from my position as an advocate at the Tor Project and devote my full 
attention to completing my doctoral work on cryptography at the Technical 
University of Eindhoven."

They were going to fire me if I didn’t quit.

    "Vague rumors and smear campaigns against me are nothing new. As a longtime 
public advocate for free speech and a secure internet, there have been plenty 
of attempts to undermine my work over the years."

I need you to believe the government is behind this.

    "Now, however, these unsubstantiated and unfounded attacks have become so 
aggressive that I feel it’s necessary to set the record straight. Not only have 
I been the target of a fake website in my name that has falsely accused me of 
serious crimes, but I have also received death threats (including a Twitter 
handle entitled ‘TimeToDieJake’)."

This one troll account mentioned my death in its handle, so now I am the 
victim. If that account didn’t exist, I would have had to invent it.

    "I think it’s extremely damaging to the community that these 
character-assassination tactics are being deployed, especially given their ugly 
history of being used against fellow members of the LGBT community. It pains me 
to watch the community to which I’ve dedicated so much of my life engage in 
such self-destructive behavior. Nonetheless, I am prepared to use legal 
channels, if necessary, to defend my reputation from these libelous 

I can’t sue.

    "I want to be clear: the accusations of criminal sexual misconduct against 
me are entirely false."

I’ll never be convicted of a crime.

    "Inevitably, there may have been moments in my professional or private life 
when I may have inadvertently hurt or offended others’ feelings. Whenever I was 
aware of these instances, I have, and will continue to, apologize to the 
friends and colleagues in question and to continually learn how to be a better 
person. Though the damage to my reputation caused by these allegations alone is 
impossible to undo, I nonetheless take the concerns of the Tor community 

I’m not sorry.

    "To dispel any further rumors, to the best of my knowledge, the Tor network 
is not ‘compromised.’"

The Tor network is fine, I guess. I haven’t had a patch accepted in several 

    "I’ve dedicated my life as a journalist, activist, and longtime member of 
the Tor Project to advocating for the transparency of public processes and to 
speaking out about the necessity of privacy, security, and anonymity. These are 
ideals that I will continue to uphold, despite the vicious campaign that is 
currently being waged against me."

Read this whole thing again; I never directly said that any of the allegations 
are not true.
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