"Freedom Act jurisdiction"?  I remember in 2014 the NSA monitored
Chancellor Angela Merkel:


It would be nice if you could recommend something.

Answering the topic, Riseup is a webmail provider that functions well
with Tor.  I use Riseup but my personal favorite is Sigaint and
recommend that.

carlo von lynX:
> On Tue, Jun 07, 2016 at 02:44:40AM -0500, Crypto wrote:
>> RiseUp actually has .onion addresses for all of their various
>> services. They list them in their Help->Security section.
> I don't understand why people still use mail services under Patriot
> Act.. er.. I mean Freedom Act jurisdiction? It's like searching
> with DuckDuckGo.. even if the majority of employees is sooo
> convinced that they are not collaborating with authorities, the law
> says they are.
> Laws are one of the few things on earth that still tell the truth.
> Once you read them, you understand why the earth is shite. The
> fact, only a minority does, allows general population (and the
> media by reflection) to think of reality as something else than
> what it is.
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