Hi Tor Talkers,

i just want to shorten the way it goes with all the postings around these false 
or just not proper worded allegations or just not being excellent.

if all the allegations (i mean all i have read till now incl. the S&M things) 
come true Jacob could face at least a  minimum of three or five years as jail 
sentence in Germany. that means he will be in jail for three years or more 
(nicht unter drei Jahren =  not less than three years).

Strafgesetzbuch (StGB)
§ 177 Sexuelle Nötigung; Vergewaltigung
(3) Auf Freiheitsstrafe nicht unter drei Jahren ist zu erkennen, wenn der Täter
1.    eine Waffe oder ein anderes gefährliches Werkzeug bei sich führt,
2.    sonst ein Werkzeug oder Mittel bei sich führt, um den Widerstand einer 
anderen Person durch Gewalt oder Drohung mit Gewalt zu verhindern oder zu 
überwinden, oder
3.    das Opfer durch die Tat in die Gefahr einer schweren 
Gesundheitsschädigung bringt.

(4) Auf Freiheitsstrafe nicht unter fünf Jahren ist zu erkennen, wenn der Täter
1.    bei der Tat eine Waffe oder ein anderes gefährliches Werkzeug verwendet 
2.    das Opfer
        a)            bei der Tat körperlich schwer mißhandelt oder
        b)            durch die Tat in die Gefahr des Todes bringt.

Gefahr des Todes = death danger = "intoxicated" without being a med => triggers 
Dangerous Drugs Act, too, btw

because of that long term jail sentence and if Jacob is still no German citizen 
there could be an extradition/a deportation to the usa - his last citizenship. 
and even if parts of the community is about to torch and fork him like a mob 
who doesn't have heard a single complain although it is said it's going on 
since a decade and some of it happens right in front of even security guards at 
CCC and other conferences - i don't think the big part of that small community 
will see him deported to usa.

if you want to change a system the last thing you should do is to support it to 
last longer. so please watch what you testify even in rage/revenge modus. it 
wouldn't be my worst guess to say it is the fbi who wants Jacob at the end of 
the day in the usa. if i had to guess they want Lovecruft (Tor developer) on 
their side going after Jacob. they let her leave usa for a chance Jacob has 
sexual interest in her. that would have done the job the same way if they 
talked to her in usa.

it is an long term operation similar to Julian Assange. and if Assange didn't 
walked into the embassy we would not have ever known that the sexual things 
were a set up.

Maybe it is a good advice to ask which citizenship the sex partner is and in 
which country to have sex considering later allegations. or to do a contract 
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