On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 12:47:34PM +0300, 4torlist2 wrote:
> Tired of reading bullsh*t about Appelbaum! If he did what it is said, should

> In my mail program I setup a filter on the word "Appelbaum", messages with
> it are automatically trashed. But that should have been done by the Tor-List
> admins at the list level!

Bzzt. Nope. Shouldn't happen, won't happen, would be rejected by many, if
it did happen it would result in a new 'uncensored' list being created.

> Censorship is sometimes necessary, sorry to have
> to say this, when some ass*oles by their stupid attitude in fact attack the
> whole Tor system.

Your humble opinion is noted. Not gonna happen (not that I'm a list admin,
but I'm pretty sure you'd lose a lot of the list if you did). At best you
would open a massive and endless ongoing debate every single time
something contentious shows up; this would destroy this list as I
understand the intention of this list.
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