On Wed, 20 Sep 2017 11:24:57 +0200
Fabio Pietrosanti - Lists <li...@infosecurity.ch> wrote:

> Hello,
> a close friend (faffa) noticed that on 28th August 2017 there was an
> unusual spike of Tor traffic in Egypt and Turkey:
> https://metrics.torproject.org/userstats-relay-country.html?start=2017-06-22&end=2017-09-20&country=tr&events=off
> https://metrics.torproject.org/userstats-relay-country.html?start=2017-06-22&end=2017-09-20&country=eg&events=off
> Does anyone already analyzed those spikes and understood what happened?

Egypt on Aug 28:

"Update 2.0.0 (29 August 2017)
On the 28th of August, 261 websites providing VPN and Proxy services where 
found blocked.
A new section was added to the report containing a schedule that lists 
monitored websites that provides VPN and Proxy services."


But it seems puzzling the spike was just for 1 day and then back to
just exactly the previous level.

With respect,
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