On 02/17/2018 07:52 PM, Rusty Bird wrote:
> Lars Nood�n:
>> I've looked around a bit and wonder how to launch new tabs from the
>> shell into a running TBB instance.
> $ ./Browser/start-tor-browser --allow-remote  # for the master process
> $ ./Browser/start-tor-browser --allow-remote --new-tab example.com
>> Also which documentation should I check for this info?
> $ ./Browser/start-tor-browser --help
> Rusty
Thanks, I've tried those before.  When launching with --new-tab:

$ ./Browser/start-tor-browser --allow-remote --new-tab  example.com

It complains with the following popup dialog and does not open any new tabs:

        "Tor Browser is already running, but is not responding.
        To open a new window, you must first close the existing
        Tor Browser process, or restart your system."

The --allow-remote --new-tab method works fine with unmodified Firefox,
just not with TBB.

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