On 05/10/2018 01:35 PM, panoramix.druida wrote:
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> El 10 de mayo de 2018 7:41 PM, Mirimir <miri...@riseup.net> escribió:
> [....] 
>> However, keep in mind that VoIP is fundamentally inconsistent with
>> anonymity. Because voice analysis is so effective. And because it's very
>> hard to obfuscate voice enough to frustrate analysis. You basically need
>> to do voice-to-text conversion, and then text-to-voice conversion. And
>> once you've done voice-to-text, why bother with text-to-voice?
> I don't want hide who am I  to the other end. I want to hide the fact that I 
> am calling someone and that the conversation actually took place.
> So Alice wants to talk to Bob but neither of them want anybody to know that 
> the conversation happend. If the conversation is end to end encrypted no one 
> should now that they where talking and that the converation happend. So from 
> my understunding there is anonymity in the fact that they are separeting from 
> the act of having  a conversation. Am I right?
> Please if you want to be philosophical about it go ahead. I really want to 
> improve my understunding of anonymity and privacy.
> Thanks!

OK, then voice analysis isn't an issue. Everything's encrypted. And with
Tor, there's no linkable metadata. Barring such exceptional
circumstances as Tor 0day, anyway.
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